What is the difference between self awareness and self knowledge

How do we define self-awareness in the modern era? In what ways does one become aware of oneself? Discovering one’s own actions, huh? If you’re wondering, “What’s the difference between self-awareness and self-knowledge?” the answer is simple: a lot.

What is the difference between self-awareness and self-knowledge?

Self-Awareness: We need to ask, “Who is this self?” to get a handle on this. How do we define “one’s self”? In this context, “yourself” refers to everything you are currently doing. It’s all about us and the physical labor we’re performing.

A query was penned by you. Exactly who is responsible for this? Self I know what you’re thinking now. Is there a thinker here? Self Everything that has happened or will happen is the result of internal processes.

Exactly how does one go about discovering who they truly are? Observe the unfolding events! Take a look at the current situation! When will this end? You are inquiring, listening, moving, sitting at a particular place, and thinking—and your thoughts are a rainbow of a thousand hues. These oneselves. Keep this in mind, and you will have discovered who you truly are. It’s so basic that it doesn’t deserve to be termed a “method,” and there aren’t any others.

All we’re asking is that you exercise some caution. Keep your eyes open; that’s all. If you frequently visit a certain location but experience some anxiety upon arrival, you may want to keep this in mind. Ok! ‘As soon as I arrive here, I feel my heart rate increase.’ After spending time with that special someone, you realize that you have trouble expressing your true feelings. Take note of what’s going on here. Everything that occurs can be observed by keeping a close eye on it.

Self-observation and external observation would complement one another. You can see the world more clearly when you can see yourself more clearly. You learn about yourself by doing this.

Self-knowledge: Knowing everything there is to know about oneself is known as self-knowledge. Self-knowledge encompasses every idea or mental image we have of ourselves. Knowing oneself is sometimes referred to as introspective awareness. Learning about oneself is usually done in relation to others. No one can know for sure. So when people tell me, and I believe them, that “I am intelligent, I am beautiful, and I am sensible,” I am learning about myself. It is always from the outside.

On the other side, you have an indirect knowledge of oneself that is also known as ego. not knowing himself on his own terms; basing one’s sense of self on the perceptions of others rather than one’s own experiences. In other words, I was gifted a religion; nobody picks their own faith and then accepts it. Getting one’s sense of self and emotional well-being from another person is a dependent way of life. As a result, we become the world’s slaves. Many people use it as a means of introspectively getting to know who they are.

When you know who you are, it doesn’t matter what other people say about you; you can just grin and say, “I know.” “I learned it on my own; nobody told me; so, I am quite certain.” You are free from confusion and reliance. You are now immune to the influence of outside factors.

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